REALdatabase Class
The REALdatabase class provides access to the REALdatabase data source, a.k.a., database engine or database back-end that was used in REALbasic 5.5. This class is obsolete and included for compatibility reasons and for users who need to deploy a database on Mac OS "classic." The REALSQLdatabase class is recommended for all other uses.
More information available in parent classes: Database:Object
REALdatabase tables may be added, dropped, or modified in various ways (columns or indexes added or dropped) without losing or recopying the existing data.
The new REALdatabase supports a subset of SQL/92 and SQL/99 (details below), including queries that involve self-joins, aggregate functions, and more. For the set of features the new REALdatabase engine supports, its syntax is fully SQL compliant (with a few minor extensions, like the Boolean data type). It also returns standard SQL error codes.
Every new REALdatabase table has a special identifier column called "_rowid" which is a unique integer identifier for that row. The identifier is added automatically and serves as a convenient join field for building relational databases.
A call to SQLSelect returns a dynamic RecordSet; you can move forward, backward, or jump to the beginning or end as much as you like.
The REALdatabase engine supports transactions, both for schema changes and for data changes. A transaction is started automatically when you make any change to the database and is ended by calling either the Commit or Rollback methods of the Database class.
Result Codes
The REALdatabase engine sets the Database class's Error flag after each operation and returns values in the ErrorCode and ErrorMessage properties. When the Error flag is False, the ErrorCode is "0" and the ErrorMessage is "Success". If the Error flag is True, the following codes and messages are returned in ErrorMessage. The SQL Error code appears in brackets following the text of the message.
SQL Error Code | Message |
02000 | No records found. |
01004 | Warning: String truncated on right. |
01S09 | Warning: Invalid SQL keyword. |
07000 | Error: Dynamic SQL error. |
42S01 | Error: Table already exists. |
42S02 | Error: Table not found. |
42S11 | Error: Index already exists. |
42S12 | Error: Index not found. |
42S21 | Error: Column already exists. |
42S22 | Error: Column not found. |
21S01 | Error: Insert value list does not match column list. |
22000 | Error: Data exception. |
22023 | Error: Invalid parameter. |
25000 | Error: Invalid transaction state. |
0A000 | Error: Unsupported SQL feature. |
72000 | Error: Internal SQL processor error. |
Data Types
The REALdatabase engine supports the following data types:
Type | Code | Comments |
Integer | 3 | 32-bit signed integer. |
VarChar | 5 | Text fields in the REALdatabase store text encoding information as well as the text itself. When you insert records, the encoding of the text fields is stored along with the contents of the fields. When you retrieve the data, the encoding is restored. Text up to about two billion bytes. |
Double | 7 | 64-bit floating-point number. |
Date | 8 | Day, in YYYY-MM-DD format. The Date class's SQLDate property supports this format. |
Time | 9 | Time, in HH:MM:SS format. |
TimeStamp | 10 | Time stamp, in YYYY-MMM-DD HH:MM:SS format. The Date class's SQLDateTime property supports this format. |
Boolean | 12 | Boolean is not a SQL data type and TRUE or FALSE are not SQL keywords. These are REALbasic extensions to SQL. Boolean value, TRUE or FALSE. |
Binary | 14 | Binary data up to about two billion bytes |
String | 18 | Text up to about two billion bytesa. |
Creating a REALdatabase
A REALdatabase can be created via the REALdatabase class as shown in the first example.
No table can be greater than 2 GB total size. When storing files in a VirtualVolume, the entire database must also be under 2 GB. Row IDs increment automatically and are never reused; so you can't insert more than about 4 billion records into any table.
The following example creates a new REALdatabase:
Dim f as FolderItem
f= New FolderItem("mydb")
db= New REALdatabase
If db.CreateDatabaseFile then
//proceed with database operations...
MsgBox "Database not created"
end if
The following example opens an existing REALdatabase.
Dim db as REALdatabase
db= New REALdatabase
dbFile = GetFolderItem("Pubs")
If db.Connect() then
//proceed with database operations here..
MsgBox "The database couldn't be opened."
end if
The following example adds a record to a table.
Dim db as REALdatabase
db= New REALdatabase
Dim rs As New RecordSet
dbFile= New FolderItem("Employees")
if db.error then
MsgBox db.errormessage
db.sqlexecute ("Insert into Employees (Name,Job,YearJoined) Values " _
If db.error then
MsgBox db.errormessage
end if
end if
See Also
Database, DatabaseRecord, RecordSet classes.